The Friday Flyer | News Briefs

2022-09-10 04:56:35 By : Mr. TEYES Factory

Canyon Lake’s Jayson Ceballos named Student of the Month

Jayson Ceballos was named the male September Student of the Month for Temescal Canyon High School and will be honored at a luncheon Tuesday. The Canyon Lake student will receive a basket full of gift certificates and prizes from sponsors of The Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce which puts on the event.

The awards luncheon will take place at Lakeside High School‘s Round Table Café and will honor male and female Students of the Month from each of the Lake Elsinore Unified School District’s high schools.

Bunco to start an hour earlier; all invited

There has been a time change for Canyon Lake Senior Center’s Women’s Bunco. The old time was 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and has been extended an hour and will be 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

“Bunco at the Senior Center is open to all who would like to play,” Josie Haney said. “We want to invite everyone. Bunco is fun and easy to play.”

The games are played at the Senior Center the second Wednesday of every month. Those playing should arrive, if possible, no later than 12:45 p.m. to sign in. Doors open at 12:30 p.m.

For additional information call Josie at 951-244-8484 or 951-202-8698. Betty Henry can also be reached at 951-244-3091 to answer questions.

The Guild’s HarborFest at Holiday Harbor set for Sept. 24

The RagDolls, an all female Aerosmith Tribute Band, will be performing live at Holiday Harbor Sept. 24 at a free concert in the amphitheater as part of the Canyon Lake Fine Arts Guild’s day-long HarborFest.

Activities will take place throughout the day at the park, so planning to come early to enjoy fun and food will make for a day of family fun.

There will be four food trucks at the event, including JWC selling beer, wine and margaritas. The food to be sold at the event will be provided by PZA, Q’s Tacos and Da Big Show BBQ.

Menu items for purchase for the Picnic in the Park will be various Charcuterie boards, Italian subs, salads, BBQ, Mexican food and Tiki Treats Dole Whip. Of course, food and drinks can be brought into the park.

Vendors will be on hand selling items, along with The Canyon Lake Family Matters Club having fun for the kids, including face painting. The Garden Club of Canyon Lake will also have a booth at the event.

The park will open at 3:00 p.m. with live music from Kings of Karma beginning at 4:00 p.m.

The concert will take place at 7:00 p.m. The Guild’s Bonnie Dubbs said she knows how excited the community is for this free concert in the park and said they may leave chairs starting at 10:00 a.m. Any personal items left before 10:00 a.m., though, will be removed and placed in the lost and found area.

“Feel free to bring your own blankets, low beach chairs or high back camping chairs to sit in the non-reserved area,” Bonnie said. “Because of the terraced levels, both sizes of chairs will be accommodated. We just ask that everybody be courteous of those around you so everyone can enjoy seeing the band.”

Volunteers are in need to set up and tear down the equipment and other things. Volunteers will have reserved seating. Bonnie said to contact the Guild to arrange helping with this.

Bonnie said the Guild is grateful to Daryl Ballou for donating sound equipment for the event. The speakers he donated for the day’s use are very heavy and volunteers are needed to move them into place, she said.

“No matter where you sit, be it in the non-reserved tier section, or anywhere else at the venue or even in your boat behind the stage,” Bonnie said, “you can plan on enjoying a very special and memorable Canyon Lake experience.”

For questions, email the Guild at

City Golf Championship to be held Sept. 24

The eighth annual City of Canyon Lake Golf Championship Tournament will take place on Sept. 24 and Sept. 25, at the Canyon Lake Golf and Country Club.

This two-day event is open to the public and Canyon Lake residents. The registration deadline is Sept. 16 and limited spots are available. The tournament is sponsored by the Canyon Lake Property Owners Association and the City of Canyon Lake.

Those interested in playing in the tournament can register online at

Woman’s Club looking for homes for its Holiday Tour

Don’t let the triple-digit weather fool you. Christmas is on the minds of those planning this year’s Canyon Lake Woman’s Club Annual Holiday Home Tour and they need your home.

“We are excited for the tour to be coming back this December,” Shawna Bowen, the club’s president, said. “Your home could be one of the select few featured on our 50th Anniversary Tour. We do all the work. You just open your home for all to enjoy.”

The event is a Holiday Home Tour, not just a Christmas Tour and Shawna emphasizes that all winter holidays are welcome to be considered for the tour.

“This event is looked forward to by so many in the community,” she said. “People invite family and friends to come and make a whole day of it.”

The tour starts at the Lodge where everyone picks up their tour maps, partakes in some provided refreshments and shops the vendors displaying holiday items for purchase. Everyone then heads off on a self-guided tour of the homes on the map.

The afternoon ends back at the Lodge where several themed and decorated Christmas trees, wreaths, and centerpieces are auctioned off.  In past years, there have even been celebrities’ homes on the tour.

The tickets are $15 each and children over 10 are welcome on the tour with a paid ticket.

Those tickets will go on sale as December approaches. Right now the club is seeking houses that want to participate being on the tour.

“Are you thinking of showing your home, but do not know what is involved?” Shawna said. “It’s simple. You decorate and we do the rest. We provide a docent in each room you choose to display. Not every room of the house needs to be part of the tour. We have fun and clever ways of keeping “Santa‘s Workshop” and “Elf’s Sleeping Quarters off limits.”

Required booties are provided and must be worn to enter each home. The Woman’s Club can also help decorate the homes by providing teams of helpful elves, Shawna said.

“We can do all the work and the community gets to enjoy your beautiful décor,” she said. “You will be helping us raise funds that go back into our philanthropic efforts in the community.”

For those interested in being on this 50th Anniversary Home Tour, reach out to Jill Batinich at 951-396-9252. Those wishing to be a vendor at the beginning of the tour can also contact Jill for information.

The Guild wraps up year with Motown Tribute Concert

Stone Soul, an eight-piece, horn-blowing, foot-stomping Classic Soul Motown Tribute Band will take the stage Nov. 5 in the Canyon Lake Fine Arts Guild’s final concert of the year.

The band has built a reputation as one of the hardest working and most entertaining classic Soul Motown bands. The concert will be held at the Holiday Bay Room with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. and concert starting at 7:00 p.m.

Stone Soul, with their snazzy suits and spot-on renditions of Classic Soul and Motown hits, will have you dancing The Jerk, The Mashed Potato and The Twist to smash hits from Smokey Robinson, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, The Four Tops, Otis Redding, James Brown and more, the Guild said.

Tickets are now on sale for the concert and can be purchased for $25 for general admission and $45 for VIP tickets. General admission tickets can be purchased at the Canyon Lake POA offices in the Canyon Lake Town Center and general admission and VIP tickets are available from for a small fee.

For more information, go to the Guild’s website, or email it directly at

Car Club’s annual Canyon Lake Car Show Oct. 1

The 16th Annual Canyon Lake Car Club Car Show has a date. The popular event will take place Oct. 1 at the Canyon Lake Lodge. The theme will be “Out of the Garage, Down to the Lodge.”

Those interested in having their pre-1998 vehicle and specialty vehicles in the show, can submit an application at the club’s website, The event is limited to the first 250 cars that apply for inclusion.

The club promises that there will be lots of fun for not only those who submit their cars to the show, but the hundreds who attend to view the classic vehicles. The show will include raffles, awards, vendor booths, a ski show, food trucks, a 50/50 drawing, an all-day DJ and the Lodge restaurant will be open for breakfast and lunch.

For more information contact

Senior Center looking for bridge players

The Canyon Lake Senior Center invites community members to join other bridge players for regular games at the center.

“We are looking for bridge players and would love to meet you,” Peggy Clark said. “You don‘t need a partner.”

The group plays every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. and on the first, third and fifth Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Center.

Those interested in playing should phone either Nancy at 951-244-1182 or Peggy at 951-244-1107.

Ballots being re-mailed after Tract 3961 Special Meeting adjourned again

Ballots are being re-mailed to those who haven’t already voted, as a courtesy, to Tract 3961 members in preparation for a rescheduled Nov. 2 special meeting.

After the Adjourned Special Meeting of the Members Tract 3961 scheduled for last week didn’t meet quorum, the Canyon Lake POA adjourned the meeting again until Nov. 2 in an attempt to collect the number of votes needed.

A raffle is being held by the POA to encourage those in this tract to vote. All who vote will be entered into a raffle for one of two $100 Canyon Lake POA Gift Cards.

The purpose of this election is to see if a majority of Tract 3961 would vote to change the 20-foot setback restriction of trailer parking on driveways to 5 feet from the curb.

The original election date was June 8, however, the quorum was not met, so the adjourned meeting was required to be scheduled. Tiffany Cribbs, CLPOA Senior Communications Specialist, calls the November adjournment “a last-ditch effort” to obtain the number of votes required to open the meeting.

It’s August. Time to get ready for the Holidays

Despite it being the middle of the summer, The Canyon Lake Senior Center is getting the word out to its potential vendors that It’s time again to reserve a spot at its annual Holiday Boutique.

The popular boutique will be held on Nov. 5 and 6 at the Senior Center.

Promoting the event now, enables vendors to not only reserve their spaces, but to begin creating their wares to sell. Once again, all items sold at the boutique must be handmade.

Table sizes are listed for pricing purposes only as tables are not supplied, but must be brought by the vendor.

“If you have a six or nine foot space against the wall, you are only able to use the wall space directly behind you,” Grace Ward of the Senior Center said. “We are not allowed to put anything on the floor in front of your space as we have to have room for the shoppers. We are simply supplying the indoor space necessary for your display space.”

Spaces are expected to fill quickly, so potential vendors are encouraged to not delay in making reservations.

For information, contact Grace at

City businesses may apply for COVID-19 grants

Grants for as much as $15,000 each are being made available to Canyon Lake businesses which are recovering from economic hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These businesses have until Sept. 1 to submit the application, but are available on a first come, first served basis.

The City of Canyon Lake funds are being made available from money it received from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

The Canyon Lake City Council approved the programs at its March meeting and has partnered with the Canyon Lake Chamber of Commerce to administer these programs and to help businesses apply for the two grants.

Additionally, the city has already announced and has begun the process of using ARPA funds for a Canyon Cash Gift Card program where city bonus cash is added to the face value of each of the gift cards. For example, a gift card that costs the consumer $100 will be good toward $150 in purchases at Canyon Lake businesses.

The chamber is also assisting with the Canyon Cash promotion and is busy signing up Canyon Lake businesses to participate and accept the gift cards. The gift cards will be available for online purchase soon.

The two grant programs have $120,000 allocated to the businesses located within the City of Canyon Lake.

The Small Business Emergency Relief Grants Program has $75,000 allocated towards those small businesses that can demonstrate economic hardship due to the pandemic. Each business can receive grants up to $15,000 that can be used for paying rent, utilities, and other operating expenditures.

The Small Business Assistance Grants Program has $45,000 allocated towards those small businesses that can demonstrate economic hardship due to the pandemic. Each business can receive grants of $10,000 that can be used for assistance in applying for other COVID-19 relief funds or business marketing assistance, with an emphasis on website upgrades.

The grants are made available to businesses who qualify for the funding as determined by grant applications that are available on the city website. Guidelines for applying are also available via a document downloadable on the website.

The applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, and funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. The city cannot guarantee that each applicant will be awarded grant funding, the city said, so it is encouraged that businesses turn in applications as soon as they can.

Once the applications are filled out, they are to be emailed to the Canyon Lake Chamber of Commerce at for initial screening. All applications must be sent by Sept. 1 at 5:00 p.m., although, as mentioned, funds may be all allocated by then.

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